What people have said about working with me...
"I’m feeling proud and am extremely grateful for Kirsti’s superb coaching."
"It’s been a really pleasure working with Kirsti, It’s been really useful to have someone to talk to and to keep me on track with working out what it is I actually want to work on and achieve."
"I think as a woman, I sometimes lack confidence and self-belief, and it was great to find a bit of that again with Kirsti."
A lot of the strategies discussed, have stayed with me and I continue to implement and practice them on a daily basis which is a huge achievement for me. I know going forward that I will always "refer back to our work when I am reflecting on my goals."
"I feel like I have a much better understanding of what is holding me back and stopping me from moving forward. You have helped me to frame a vision and break down goals, but also, to really help me uncover what passions can help drive my motivation, even during times when it doesn’t feel like I have any."